Title : Happy Birthday Fred Astaire-Fred and Carlyle - Party Recipes
link : Happy Birthday Fred Astaire-Fred and Carlyle - Party Recipes
Happy Birthday Fred Astaire-Fred and Carlyle - Party Recipes
Today is the 127th anniversary of the birth of my favorite film stare, the incomparable Fred Astaire. I've written plenty about Fred on this blog. Truly there has never been a more elegant, graceful, charming and stylish man in the history American film. Fred's elegance is on full display in these pictures from a 1962 edition of Life magazine showing him playing with his Siamese cat, Carlyle.The two definiely compliment each other. Carlyle's elegant lines and the marking on his fur definitely remind one of Fred, a case of pet looking like owner to be sure.
Apparently Carlyle was a gift from Kim Novak after Fred appeared with her in the film The Notorious Landlady. Fred named his cat after the character Kim played in the film.
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